Some Of The Most Mispronounced Words In 2022
We all mispronounce words from time to time. Okay, except for those of you who are perfect with the English language (and any other languages you may have mastered.) That's not me. Especially with names.
Is it just me, or are people's names becoming harder to pronounce correctly, even if they don't appear as such? Are parents just looking for different ways to pronounce common names?

I recently heard someone pronounce 'Hearth' as 'her-th', not 'har-th' as it should be pronounced. I guess it's a bit understandable since the word doesn't sound like it's spelled, as are so many other words in the English language. I can only imagine it's got to be tough for people learning to speak English.
2022 Most Mispronounced Words
The Babble website has just released the most mispronounced words for 2022, and there are some tough ones on the list. These are words/names/phrases that were mentioned often because they were a part of a national or worldwide event or story.
One word on the list is the name of a city in Scotland that I have had to correct people with for many years since I have visited this city a few times - 'Edinburg.' According to Babble, some journalists were mispronouncing Edinburg, as it looks, when in fact, the word is pronounced 'Ed-In-Bruh' or 'Ed-In Bu-Ruh' which is how I pronounce it.
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Apparently, we've been pronouncing the singer Adele's name wrong. Babble mentions that Adele stated how many fans have been getting it wrong. Her name should be pronounced 'Uh-Dale.'
How Do You Pronounce That Meteorite?
There was a story in the news this year about the meteorite that caused the extinction of the dinosaurs and its full impact. The mispronounced word is Chicxulub, correctly pronounced as 'Chick-Zoo-Loob' according to Babble.
Another word mispronounced by the media in 2022 was Miami Dolphins quarterback Tuanigamanuolepola Tagovailoa. Babble breaks down Tua's name - 'TOO-uh-ning-uh-mah-noo-oh-LEH-po-luh' 'TUNG-o-vai-LOH-uh.'
All we can do, when mispronouncing a word or name is say 'sorry.' Or as they say in Canada, 'So-Ree.'
[via Babble]
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