Lower Hudson Valley Father Bans Son From House After Spring Break Trip
Some people seem to get the social distancing thing better than others. Now, one local father is taking a stand on the issue even if it involves his own son. This is definitely taking tough love to a new level.
Fox 5 says that Peter Levine didn't want his son going to South Padre Island, Texas for spring break. However, the Nanuet man's 21 year-old son had other plans. We've seen some of the pictures of hundreds upon hundreds of people gathered on some of the nation's beaches even as most of the country urges everyone to self isolate.
This was a case where a father felt it was too risky having his own son back in his home. Levine told the NY Post:
I spoke with him every day and told him that maybe they should come home. I was aggravated. The news here was getting worse and worse. Matt sent me pictures of him and his friends congregating outdoors and listening to live music.
According to Levine, a huge issue to consider here is that there are grandparents in the house, and having his son back after being around so many people was too risky. The son returned to his off campus apartment at Springfield College. Once his lease is up in late June it is uncertain where he'll go.
According to the son, the trip wasn't so great:
We were only allowed to go to the beach in small groups and couldn’t have speakers; by then, there was basically no one on the island. The police seemed like they were trying to ruin our good time.
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