We need your help! Vote here and help try to get a school right here in the Hudson Valley new play ground and gym equipment.

Teachers are true heroes but some make an effort to go above the call of duty. Chris Keenan, a gym teacher from Arthur S. May school in Poughkeepsie is trying to rally the community to help get grant funding for new school gym and play ground equipment.

We love to preach how kids should be healthy but this is our chance to literally put our money where our mouth is. It's extremely easy to vote and Hudson Valley schools are up against several in the region. Every school is deserving but let's help out a school right here in the area.

All you have to do to help Chris and the Arthur S. May Elementary School win is vote by clicking right HERE.

"In our physical education program, we provide learning experiences which are developmentally appropriate that will teach children how to be physically active in ways that increase physical competence, self-esteem and joy through lifelong physical activity." Says Keenan.




Please share this message and try to help out some Hudson Valley schools. If you see your local school on the list be sure to vote.

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