Here in the Hudson Valley, spring is around the corner. As we feel the warm temperatures and sunny days already here, there's a lot for local residents to look forward to.

The return of outdoor activities, events and festivals will soon start in the Hudson Valley. Local walking and hiking trails will soon experience more foot traffic as the weather warms up even more in the Hudson Valley.

When Will The Total Solar Eclipse Take Place?

With the start of spring, New York state residents will also be able to view the total solar eclipse that will be taking place on April 8, 2024. 

NASA, National Aeronautics and Space Administration shared information,

"On April 8, 2024, a total solar eclipse will cross North America, passing over Mexico, the United States, and Canada."

"A total solar eclipse happens when the Moon passes between the Sun and Earth, completely blocking the face of the Sun."


SEE MORE: 9.7 Million Going Towards New York State Thruway Pavement

Where In The Hudson Valley Can You See The Total Solar Eclipse In April 2024?


According to WRRV,

"Nearly 30 counties in New York State will get to see a full total solar eclipse on April 8 between 3:15 p.m. and 3:30 p.m."

WRRV also included that there will be solar eclipse events happening throughout New York State.

These upcoming events will take place across New York state ranging from Western New York to Central New York, the North Country area, the Capital Region, Hudson Valley and New York City.

WRRV also shared that one of the places where residents can experience the solar eclipse in the Hudson Valley will be at Bear Mountain State Park in Tomkins Cove, NY on Monday, April 8, 2024 from 2:00 pm until 4:00pm.

New York State Thruway Authority Provides Travel Safety Information For Eclipse


On March 12, 2023, the New York State Thruway Authority made a post on social media about the "Do's & Don'ts For Traveling During the Eclipse".

They mentioned that if drivers are traveling during the solar eclipse on April 8, 2024 and driving on the New York State Thruway, they have recommendations for safety.

Here Are The "Don'ts" From The NYS Thruway Authority For Drivers During The Eclipse


According to the New York State Thruway Authority, they shared a list of "Don'ts" for drivers.

They recommend not driving recklessly, not to use an open flame or a grill on any Thruway property and to not block traffic. The New York State Thruway Authority continued to share that while driving, do not use any form of handheld devices, do not stand alongside any moving traffic or by the highway.

Lastly, they also mentioned to not stop in the middle of traffic and to not park on the shoulder of the highway.

Here Are The "Do's" From The NYS Thruway Authority For Drivers During The Eclipse

According to the New York State Thruway Authority, they shared a list of "Do's" for drivers.

They recommend arriving early and staying late during the eclipse, to follow any of the highway safety messaging and to obey all traffic laws. The New York State Thruway Authority continued to share that they recommended finding a viewing location in a safe spot and off of the system of the Thruway along with giving yourself additional time to get to your desired location for the viewing of the eclipse.

Lastly, they also mentioned using specific parking areas such as Text Stop, Service Area and their Park and Ride Lot. I LOVE NY also shared that those who view the solar eclipse should wear proper, protective eyewear and sunscreen.

The New York State Thruway Authority provided a link from I LOVE NY for additional safety information for April 2024's solar eclipse.

Where will you view the total solar eclipse in April 2024 from? Share more with us below.

5 Must See Scenic Drives In The Hudson Valley

When was the last time that you took the scenic route or the back road? There's something so peaceful about taking in the views of the beautiful farmland and the smells of fresh grass with the windows down. 

The next time that you're out for a drive, take one of these scenic routes to capture the beauty of the area that we get to call home.


Gallery Credit: Allison Kay

8 Things You Didn't Know You Could Recycle In Dutchess County, NY

There have been plenty of times where I have questioned if and where I could recycle household and random items.

If you're also wondering if and where you can recycle batteries, certain electronics, light bulbs and more, Dutchess County, NY's guide will explain more.

According to the Dutchess County, NY Government and their Division of Solid Waste Management's Recycling Encyclopedia, the following information is about what can be recycled in Dutchess County, NY.

Gallery Credit: Allison Kay

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