Hudson Valley Toy Drive Cancels Pony Rides but Not Donations
Unfortunately, we are going into the holidays and this winter faced with more of the COVID-19 Pandemic. I am sure most of you like me had hoped that by this time in 2021 all of this pandemic stuff would be in the rearview mirror.

Many Hudson Valley organizations and holiday celebrations were hoping things could be less restrictive by the time the holidays rolled around. It is true, we are much better off than we were last year at this time, but we still aren't in a great place when it comes to gathering in big groups.
Over the last week or so many of the holiday celebrations that were planned in communities around the Hudson Valley had to rearrange a few things in order to deal with the COVID numbers starting to climb back up. One annual event that I have told you about each year has had to change its plans this year.
New Paltz Toy Drive Changes Plans
Lucky C Stables who has just recently come under new management (Hope Equestrian LLC @ Lucky C Stable) has had to cancel their Pony Ride part of their Toy Drive that they do each year to benefit the Family of New Paltz. It is the 18th Annual Ponies and Toys Toy Drive and it was scheduled for Saturday, December 19th.
Even though they won't be offering the pony rides, they are still collecting toys on that day. So if you have given in the past or you were hoping to go this year, the organizers are asking that you still consider donating a toy.
Lucky C Stables is at 31 Yankee Folly Road in New Paltz. Feel free to drop off a toy when you can. For information, you can all 845-255-3220