Dog Stolen From Car in Route 9 Parking Lot
Have you seen this dog?
On Wednesday December 5th, Jill Steeley visited the Golden Corral in Poughkeepsie. When Steeley went into the newly reopened establishment, she left her dog Ajax in the car. Steeley explained on Facebook that her dog was safe in her truck, which she calls a "doggie condo," with heated dog beds and blankets.
At some point 6:30 and 7:15pm on the night of December 5th, Ajax was stolen out of the vehicle.
A Facebook post from Steeley explains that she has already filed a police report and the security cameras at Golden Corral, which is located at 2345 South Rd in Poughkeepsie, have been checked. Steeley is also offering up a $3,000 reward for Ajax. If you have seen him or have any information regarding his whereabouts you should call 845-656-5681 or the Town of Poughkeepsie Police at 845-485-3666.
Jill gave us more information on Ajax saying he was last seen "wearing a blue and green collar with tags. He has a small white spot on his chest, otherwise all black. He has severe allergies and gets a shot once a week or his hair falls out."
Ajax is microchipped and the company, AKC Reunite, has been notified as well.