City of Poughkeepsie Can Help You Help Your At Risk Family Member
Do you have a family member, maybe a mom or a dad or someone else who has Alzheimer's or Dementia, or maybe even Autism? Do you worry all of the time about them wandering off? Getting lost?
While this might seem to be a fantasy to some, this is day-to-day reality for others. The City of Poughkeepsie Police Department has teamed up with the company MedicAlert, to get your family members registered (for free) to be a part of an online database and to get them a medical identification bracelet along with access to 24/7 emergency support services.
According to a statement on the MedicAlert website, their mission is to help:
We provide medical IDs, paired with 24/7 life-saving services to millions of people in the United States and around the world. In emergencies or times of need, we provide members’ critical health and identification information to first responders. This information exchange empowers first responders to act promptly to protect and save lives.
The City of Poughkeepsie will help you register this information for the family member or the caregiver. Thus when someone finds your lost and potentially disoriented family member, they can be more easily reunited and get medical care. If you could share one thing with the rest of the world about caring for someone with Alzheimer's or Dementia, what would it be?