Back-to-School Safety Reminders
Whether you are a parent of a child who is returning to school or attending school for the very first time, going over some safety tips is never a bad idea. If you are a driver whose commute takes you past school buildings or on bus routes, a few safety reminders for us are a good idea too.
Thousands of children around the Hudson Valley are about to be walking to school, getting off the bus and crossing the road, or even playing in and around schoolyards. According to AAA, here are some simple safety tips to keep everyone having a great day.
For drivers, slow down in school zones, the speed limit is slower there for good reason. Put down the phone, taking your eyes off the road for two seconds doubles your chance of crashing and watch for bicycles, children riding bikes aren't always the most steady or predictable. Finally, remember to stop when a school bus has their flashing red lights on, not only is it common sense, it's also the law.
For children heading back to school, look both ways before crossing, always cross at the corners, obey crossing guards and traffic lights, be aware of turning cars, and play away from traffic.
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