5 Moving 9/11 Memorials in New York
September 11th, 2001 is the single deadliest terrorist attack in history. Thousands were killed when two planes crashed into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center, the Pentagon and a field in Pennsylvania, after passengers overtook the hijackers. May we never forget.
Memorials and tributes can be seen all over New York, honoring the lives lost on that fateful day.
A symbol honoring our country and how we came together after September 11, 2001 continues to grow in a field in New York. USA was cut from the land in the days following September 11th and it's been there ever since.
Gary and Darlene Cronk created the patriotic tribute. Greg MacDonald and his son, who bought the property overlooking Keuka Lake in Bluff Point years later, have kept that tradition going.
2,978 flags adorn the lawn in front of the Stanford Fire Company. Each Civilian, Firefighter, Police Officer, EMT, and K9 who we lost that day is accounted for. The Twin Towers in red firefighter flags surround police flags, flanked by USA civilian flags.
the Twin Towers in red firefighter flags surround police flags. They’re flanked by USA civilian flags. The flags will be up until September 19th.
At the corner of East 49th Street and 3rd Avenue in Manhattan, you'll see a tribute to the sacrifices made when our Country came under attack in 2001.
In Massapeque Park, there's crosses on a front lawn. Each cross has a name, remembering the First Responders that died on 9/11.
If you see or know of a 9/11 tribute, email Polly@BigFrog104.com.
NEVER FORGET: Images from 9/11 and the days after
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