An undercover enforcement named “Operation April Showers,” led to 15 being charged for selling drugs in the Hudson Valley.

The undercover operation, led by the Orange County Drug Task Force, looked into sales for heroin, cocaine, and prescription medications throughout Orange County.

“Drug dealers selling opioids, including heroin and oxycodone, truly are merchants of death.” Orange County District Attorney David Hoovler said. “There have been eighteen suspected, and at least fifteen confirmed, overdose deaths in Orange County since the beginning of 2017.”

Those charged in this enforcement action include:

april showers 15


Since 2016, police officers in Orange County have used Narcan 138 times to assist individuals suffering from opioid induced overdoses, resulting in 119 lives being saved, according to the district attorney’s office,

“The illegal drug epidemic requires a constant and serious response. We intend to keep the pressure on drug dealers during the summer months, both through enforcement actions such as this, and through more intensive investigations into larger drug dealers," Hoovler said.

All 15 face up to nine years in prison if found guilty.

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