If you have any Christmas parties to go to this year, you might want to bring this game along with you.

It's called the Saran Wrap Ball Game.

The game is just like it sounds, a big ball of saran wrap with all kinds of goodies inside.

Here is what you will need to play:

Rolls of Saran Wrap

A pair of Dice

Prized to put in the ball of saran wrap (Candy,money,gift cards etc)

Once you get everything together you start rolling out the saran wrap, placing whatever prizes you have every once and a while. Keep unrolling the saran wrap until you have a big ball. The best prize should be the first thing you put in the saran wrap as it will be the last thing that the winner will unwrap.

According to Awesome Jelly, here is how play the game:

Decide who is going to start with the ball and once you figure that out, that person starts unwrapping until the person their right rolls a pair of dice, trying to roll doubles.

Once that happens, you pass the ball to the next player and so on. And remember the player that has the ball doesn't stop unwrapping until the person on their right rolls doubles.

And yes you get to keep whatever goodies you collect while unwrapping the ball.

Here is a video to see how it works....

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