Mountain Jam College Ambassador Program
Are you a college student looking to get reduced or free tickets to Mountain Jam? If yes, you might want to look into the Mountain Jam College Ambassador Program. This is the perfect situation if you want to check out the show but you're spending too much money on Spring Break.
It's pretty easy to sign up too, just provide some basic information and tell the Mountain Jam crew a little about yourself. We're looking for people to help us get the word out and in return, you could be checking out all the great bands for free!
You must be 18 to participate and there are some rules. Earning your tickets is based on a points system for completing certain objectives. If you plan on skating through the program it's probably not for you. But if you can commit to 5-10 hours of work per week, your road up the mountain is paved.
Bonus Video: Nick's Worst Interview Ever with The Strumbella's Mountain Jam 2017