Most New Yorkers Think Worst of COVID-19 is Still to Come
The majority of New Yorkers believe the worst of the coronavirus pandemic is still to come.
In a new Siena College poll, 62 percent of New Yorkers think that the worst of the COVID-19 pandemic is on its way while 27 percent think that the worst is over, according to a new statewide survey of residents released today by the Siena College Research Institute.
“Majorities of every demographic, except Republicans, think that we haven’t seen the worst of the pandemic, and majorities of every demographic want the government to concentrate on containing the virus even if the economy suffers,” Siena College Research Institute Director Don Levy said. “Nearly 80 percent are concerned that they, or another member of their household, will get sick with COVID-19.”
When New Yorkers were questioned if they thought the government's priority should be containing the illness even if it hurts the economy, 70 percent said yes while 22 percent said no.
Most New Yorkers, 82 percent, think it's either very or somewhat likely New York will deal with another COVID-19 outbreak in the fall, according to Siena College.
Just 18 percent think it's very likely schools will reopen in New York in the fall. 46 percent say its somewhat likely students and teacher will go back to the classroom in September.