Massive Toy Show Coming to Newburgh, New York This Month
Whether you are a serious collector or you are looking for that toy you loved when you were a kid, you might be able to find it in Newburgh later this month.
I'm a comic book collector. I don't get to shops and shows as often as I would like to but I recently stopped by a small convention at the VFW in Beacon. They had a good mix of vendors that had old comic books and some old collectible toys. I was impressed with the goods but everyone there kept asking me if I was going to The Newburgh Toy Show.
Apparently what I was looking at was just the tip of the iceberg.
Is there a market for old toys?
If you find the right ones. According to Globe Newswire, the toy market sees about a steady 10% increase every year and it is expected to be an $18 billion industry in another 10 years. That fact is that there will always be a market for nostalgia.
People love to recapture their youth and toys are the perfect time machine.
Are you looking for action figures, dolls, movies, or video games? The Newburgh Toy Show is one of the biggest collectible conventions to hit the Hudson Valley and it will be in just weeks.
Is there something you are trying to find? Check out the convention on Sunday, September 26 at the Hudson Valley Hotel on 90 NY-17K in Newburgh.
There will even be a video game tournament for prizes.
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