How Many Buddhist Temples Make Their Home in Hudson Valley, NY?
Looking for a place to relax, meditate and possibly take a serious hike? How about visiting one of the many Buddhist Temples that are located her in the Hudson Valley, New York?
When you go to one of these temples or worship, you may see Buddhists worshiping by sitting on the floor and reading or chanting from written text. Occasionally they will be accompanied by instruments, gongs, or silent prayers.
What should you not do when visiting a Buddhist Temple?
You should remember that you are entering someone's worship space, and you should remain quiet and respectfully at all times. If you are going to take a picture, make sure to ask if it is ok, before you do so. Another big no, no, is touching any of the statues of Buddha.
What should you do when visiting a Buddhist Temple?
Believe it or not, there is an unwritten dress code for visitors, which includes long pants or skirts, no shorts. You should also be prepared to wear long sleeved shirts, short sleeves or sleeveless is seen as disrespectful.
Where are the Buddhist Temples in the Hudson Valley, NY?
Before heading out to one of the following locations, double check that they are 'open for visitors:'
- Chuang Yen Monastery, Route 301, Carmel
- Karma Triyana Dharmachakra, Meads Mountain Rd, Woodstock
- Blue Cliff Monastery, Mindfulness Rd, Pine Bush
- Zen Mountain Monastery, Plank Rd, Mt Tremper
- Won Dharma Center, Route 23, Claverack
- Buddha Ariyamett Aram Temple, Morris, CT
- Dharma Seal Monastery, St Andrews St, Walden
- Korean Buddhist Wonkaksa, Clove Rd, Salisbury Mills,
- Do Ngak Kunphen Ling, Putnam Park Rd, Redding, CT
The links are included with each temple, so you can check out the individual schedules and activities.
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