Hudson Valley Woman’s Reaction to First Paycheck is Priceless
A Hudson Valley woman's reaction to receiving her first paycheck is sure to warm your heart and brighten your day.

Monday, Jan. 20, was considered the most depressing day of the year. Blue Monday is a day given typically to the third Monday in January because it's considered the most depressing day of the year.
In 2005, a British researcher, Cliff Arnall, said he created a mathematical equation for what he calls Blue Monday. He based the calculations on weather conditions, debt levels, time since Christmas and time since New Year's resolutions fail.
Anyway, I had no idea yesterday was Blue Monday, but even if I was feeling down Hudson Valley Post received a message on Monday that made my day!
Steven Super messaged a video to Hudson Valley Post that showed his daughter, Jonah-Violet Super, receive her first paycheck from Target in Poughkeepsie.
Jonaah-Violet lives with special needs and ThinkDIFFERENTLY a Dutchess County program that has created a supportive and welcoming environment for those living with special needs, helped her land her job at Target.
"Jonaah had the desire to have a job because her twin and older sister had jobs. Jonaah’s older sister Georgie, who works at Target decided to ask management if they would interview Jonaah for a possible job. Target hired Jonaah and she is doing well and loving every moment of it. ThinkDIFFERENTLY has gained recognition in our county. We think because of that more and more businesses are hiring people with different abilities- differently abled people," Steven Super told Hudson Valley Post.
Jonaah's sister Georgie recorded Jonaah's reaction to her first paycheck. Her reaction, which you can see by watching the video below, is incredible.
On Saturday, Dutchess County Government shared the video of Jonaah's reaction on Facebook. As of this writing over 1,700 peopled liked the video.
Here's the power of #ThinkDIFFERENTLY: Jonah-Violet recently received her first paycheck from Target Store Poughkeepsie, and her reaction is worth so much more than $148 – it's PRICELESS! We thank Target and the other businesses throughout our county – big and small – who have chosen to answer Dutchess County's call to ThinkDIFFERENTLY about those of every ability and welcome those with disabilities into their establishments and onto their staffs. Learn how your favorite business can ThinkDIFFERENTLY at www.thinkdifferently.net. Congratulations, Jonah-Violet! Keep up the great work – you're an inspiration to us all!
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