Fines Doubled For Not Social Distancing in New York
Fines are doubling for New Yorkers who are not following social distancing protocols.
While some evidence suggests the curve is flattening in New York, Gov. Andrew Cuomo said on Monday during his coronavirus briefing he's noticed some "laxness" in terms of social distancing.
In an effort to curb the recent trend, New York State is increasing the maximum fine from 500 to $1,000 for people who violate the state-mandated social distancing rules
"I want local governments to enforce the social distancing rules," Cuomo said. "We don't want the money, we want the compliance."
Officials say new projections show the hospital bed need is down. The worst-case scenario was 110,000 beds and now 55,000 beds are expected to be needed.
"It could still go anyway. We could still see an increase. It is hopeful but inclusive. It still depends on what we do and how successful we are at social distancing," Cuomo said.
Even with numbers turning toward the better, the need for social distancing continues, Cuomo noted.
"This is an enemy we have underestimated since day one," Cuomo wrote on Twitter about some people not following social distancing protocols. "This is not the time to be lax. We need to #StayHome and stay properly distanced."
Current data suggests we are potentially at the apex of the virus, SUNY Empire State Colleg Jim Malatras noted.
"If we are plateauing we are plateauing at a very high level and the health care system remains under strain," Cuomo said.
Cuomo confirmed 130,689 positive COVID-19 cases and 4,758 deaths in New York State.