A Popular Hudson Valley Pet Finding Group Needs Your Donations
Attention pet lovers of the Hudson Valley, tis the season to give, and right now there is a chance to help out an organization that helps so many people and their pets during the toughest times.
Lost Pets of the Hudson Valley is available 24/7/365 for people who have been separated from their fur babies. Translation: people who have lost their pet and need to get out an all-points bulletin.
I don't think a day goes by when I am on social media that I don't see at least one post that mentions a lost pet and in the comments, someone always says "shared" to Lost Pets of the Hudson Valley. Or Lost Pets has actually put up the post from information sent to them from the lost pets people.
As a pet Mom, I know how devastating it can be to have lost your pet. Often it happens from people's own front yard but other times it can be a pet missing from a car accident or even a dog who gets out while at a pet sitting facility. All of these scenarios can be frightening and Lost Pets of the Hudson Valley is there to help.
Earlier today on their Facebook page Lost Pets of the Hudson Valley posted that their hosting fee was coming due and they are looking to raise the money. I am confident they will get the amount that they need but I thought it would be good to spread the word as well.
I think it is also good that we get their name out on the off chance there is a Hudson Valley Pet lover who has never heard about the good work they do helping people reunited with their pets.