Cuomo: Mid-Hudson Region is on Track to Reopen ‘This Week’
Gov. Andrew Cuomo believes the Mid-Hudson Region will reopen "this week."
On Friday during his daily COVID-19 briefing, Cuomo said the Mid-Hudson and Long Island regions are on track to start the four-phased reopening process "this week."
He said if the number of COVID-19 related deaths continues to decline and the two regions continue to increase the number of contact tracers both regions should be able to start Phase 1 "this week."
The job of a contract tracer is to reach out to the contacts of anyone diagnosed with COVID-19 to assess symptoms, ensure compliance with quarantine and determine social support needs. The region is actively looking for more contract tracers.
He also announced Phase 1 "construction staging" can start right now in the Mid-Hudson and Long Island regions.
Cuomo previously laid out seven metrics, based on CDC recommendations, that regions must meet to reopen, including hospital capacity, daily deaths and new infections. As of this writing, seven of the 10 regions have started Phase 1 of the four-phased reopening process.
The Mid-Hudson, Long Island and New York City regions haven't been allowed to reopen. As of Friday, the Mid-Hudson Region meets five of the seven metrics.
Under his plan, a region can start Phase 1 of the reopening process if all seven metrics are hit. Phase 1 includes the reopening of construction, manufacturing, retail with curbside pickup, wholesale trade, agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting.
While the Mid-Hudson region hasn't yet to hit Phase 1, small businesses in the Hudson Valley can reopen for curbside pickup or home delivery.
According to Ulster County Executive Pat Ryan, businesses that plan to reopen must also follow these guidelines:
- There can be only one employee within the store fulfilling phone or internet orders.
- Others can be making deliveries curbside or to homes and businesses on behalf of that store.
- Appropriate precautions must be used such as employees and customers all maintaining at least six feet social distance from each other, wearing mouth- and nose-covering masks, and repeated thorough hand washing or sanitizing.