Cuomo Gives ‘Phenomenal’ News About COVID-19 in New York
Gov. Andrew Cuomo says the coronavirus progress in New York State is "phenomenal."
On Monday during his COVID-19 briefing, Cuomo announced the lowest rate of positive test results since the pandemic began. Across New York State 50,000 COVID-19 tests were performed with less than 1,000 results coming back positive for the virus.
"That's is the lowest number we have had since this began and when it began we were only doing 3,000 or 4,000 tests," Cuomo said. "So the progress is just phenomenal."
Out of 50,000 tests, less than 2 percent came back positive, according to the Governor's Office.
"If you take a step back, what we have done with this virus is a really amazing accomplishment, and it was all done by the people of this state. 19 million people did what they never did before - they responded with a level of determination and discipline that I was amazed with," Governor Cuomo said. "Remember where we were. We had 800 people die in one day - we had the worst situation in the United States of America. At one point we had the worst situation on the globe, but we are now reopening in 50 days. The whole closure period has been about 93 days - albeit a disruptive 93 days. But look at what we did in 93 days. We went from the worst situation on the globe to actually reopening. That's where we are. We should be very proud of what we've done."
He announced 54 New Yorkers died from COVID-19 on Sunday, marking the lowest number since the pandemic began.
"We went from our worst day where 800 New Yorkes died to reopening in less than 50 days" Cuomo said. "We went from the worst situation on the globe to actually reopening. We should be very proud of what we did. Don't just snatch defeat on the jaws of reopening."