COVID-19 Outbreaks at Two Hudson Valley Daycares
Two daycares in the Hudson Valley closed down after at least 10 were infected with COVID-19.

The Orange County Department of Health confirmed seven COVID-19 positive cases from Heather's Child's Place, a daycare in the Town of Montgomery, Town Supervisor Brian Maher announced on Facebook.
All of the reported cases were mild in nature and most were not exhibiting symptoms, according to Heather's Child's Place. The daycare adds as soon as it learned about the positive cases it followed all health guidelines and all parents, as well as staff, were contacted and completed mandatory quarantines.
"During these unprecedented times, Heather's has been one of only a few childcare facilities in the area that has remained open through the pandemic. It has been our goal from the beginning to persevere through this difficult period, because we know that we provide a vital service to our community and to all the families that we serve. We have, and continue to follow all New York State Department of Health protocol. All non-essentials are kept from entering the facility, including parents. Temperatures are taken at the door, and masks are worn by the staff at all times. Our individual classrooms are cleaned and sanitized throughout the day by the designated staff," Heather's Child's Place wrote on Facebook.
The daycare was briefly closed for what's described as a "hospital-grade cleaning" and has since reopened.
"We are happy to say that we have started a gradual reopening of our facility this week. We will continue to follow the current and ever changing protocols that are put forth by the commanding authorities. Our children and our staff are our number one priority, and we will continue to take every possible measure to ensure the health and safety of everyone involved," Heather's Child's Place wrote on Facebook.
A daycare in Newburgh also dealt with a COVID-19 outbreak. According to Pattycake Playhouse Early Childhood Learning Center, two families, with three children total, tested positive for COVID-19.
"We are proud to say that Pattycake Playhouse successfully navigated our first run in with COVID-19. Throughout this entire pandemic, our doors have remained open and we had not a single sign of COVID- in fact, with all the health and safety precautions and the diligence of our families, the illness rate within our center was at an all time low," Pattycake Playhouse Early Childhood Learning Center said.
In all of the cases, symptoms were mild and never present while at the daycare, officials say. The daycare says it followed all state guidelines and briefly closed down for a "deep cleaning" while also offering a pop-up testing site for all children, their families and staff.
"A huge shout out to our staff who remained positive and went above and beyond their job description to soak, sanitize, and scrub every inch of the building. And to our families who proved to be unwavering in their support and patience... we have a new found appreciation for each and every one of you. At a time of uncertainty, you put your trust in us... and I am so glad we were able to rise to the occasion," Pattycake Playhouse Early Childhood Learning Center wrote on Facebook.
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