Controversial Billboard Pulled Off New York State Highway. Is It Really THAT Bad?
Brittany Braunstein said she wanted something "light and funny" to promote her business. But when she put up a billboard off a major New York state highway to promote her spot, it didn't last long. Now, many are asking why it was taken down. Did someone have a problem with this?
WROC says that Braunstein's family has run Deluxe Distributors in Elmira since the 1960s. The business is described as an adult outlet by Yelp. Braunstein told WROC she wanted a billboard advertisement that would erase the old stigma of businesses like hers. It was time to evolve and have some fun doing it.
So, she came up with an idea that would tie in with several demographics. Her idea for the billboard featured a peach, an eggplant, and said "Every Day is Hump Day at...Adult Outlet. Exit 58". The foods are to represent emojis, that are commonly used through texting and social media. And you probably have figured out already just by looking at the sign, that the eggplant and peach have an underlying sexual connotation as well.
Seems innocent enough, right? Well, guess not. WROC says the new ad was approved and put up on the eastbound side of I-86 in Chemung County. Just a few days later it was taken down. The company that had initially approved the sign is known as Park Outdoor Advertising. According to Braunstein:
They did have a condition. That if it because a problem they would take it down. In my eyes, it wasn’t’ deemed an actual problem.
Seems a lot of people don't have a problem with the sign. A Facebook petition has already sprung up to save the sign. Who complained? There is no word yet whether a roaming pack of Karens made their down I-86 lately. Braunstein said a new sign will go up next week, only, this time, no peach and eggplant.