Celebrity Spotting: Christopher Meloni Hanging out in Newburgh
When you hear that music or read those words, you know what's about to go down. You're about to watch a dramatic, intense episode of (probably) the most popular show in the world: Law & Order SVU.
I know I can't be the only one who has sat through a re-run marathon or 2 on USA Network.
If you're a frequent viewer of Law & Order SVU you would know that sadly back in 2011 Detective Elliot Stabler, played by actor Christopher Meloni, left the show. That crushed all of our dreams of ever getting a storyline of Stabler and Detective Olivia Benson falling in love.
Law & Order SVU is slated to return for its 22nd season (!!!) on Thursday, November 12th at 9 pm on NBC.
That date is probably circled on diehard fans calendars due to the fact that Stabler is making his return to the SVU precinct.
With all of this being said, I have to tell you how excited I was to see that the Hudson Valley got a little taste of Law & Order SVU over the weekend. Apparently, Detective Stabler himself, Christopher Meloni, was enjoying some time in Orange County.
Keith Rickett tweeted that Meloni was hanging out in Newburgh back on October 18th, 2020. It didn't look like anything was being filmed however, Meloni was spotted by several Hudson Valley residents in the area of The Wherehouse restaurant on Liberty Street.
Take a look at some of the photos Rickett took:
Could we be getting a Hudson Valley themed episode? Probably not, but hey we can dream! Have you ever run into a celebrity in the Hudson Valley?