The Hudson Valley has a future Internet star on their hands. Introducing "Billy Da Weather Guy."

We're always searching the web for unique stories and people right here in the Hudson Valley. So when we stumbled across Billy's YouTube channel we knew we found something special.

From what we can tell, Billy only recently started his video weather series.The concept seems pretty simple; Billy turns on the camera, stands outside and talks about the weather. But this is far from your usual TV weather report.

There is no teleprompter or script of any kind. Billy just starts talking. He comments on the forecasts he's heard and then just tells us about them. For example, on Monday it was especially windy, so Billy warned us that there was "a wind advisory... or a wind watch. or something." Billy said he'd check, but it was raining. Eventually he did pull the phone out of his pocket and confirm that it was an advisory.

Sometimes Billy even throws in some foreign languages for fun. In the middle of Monday's report Billy randomly says "fint Vaer rett" which apparently means "it is nice" in Norwegian. Billy also shares the translation for "I like rain" before his note cards get soaked with the falling precipitation.

In another forecast the wind is so intense that we can barely hear Billy through most of it, but that doesn't deter him from plowing forward. At just about 2:30 into the forecast someone off camera asks if Billy is done. To which he yells back "nooo" before showing the camera a video from the Weather Channel on his iPad.

Billy has certainly won us over as devoted fans. In fact, we're prepared to get all of our weather information exclusively from Billy from now on. What do you think? Does "Billy Da Weather Guy" have a bright future in weather forecasting?

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