Thinking about making plans for a vacation getaway? Even if you're just thinking about it you may want to make some solid plans and get those plane tickets in advance. You could save some cash.

There always seems to be a debate on when the best time is to buy plane tickets. Someone always seems to have an opinion down the exact time of the day. Are they creditable? Is there a science behind it? Probably not but according to an article from, there is a time frame that could save you some money if you have enough time in advance to schedule a trip.

The study was conducted with rates from Cheap Air.

Apparently, the best time to buy a plane ticket if you're traveling anywhere in the United States is 54 days.

Looking to go somewhere a little warm or exotic? If you plan on going to Mexico or Central America, they suggest you buy tickets 61 days ahead of time and 76 days in advance if for anywhere in the Caribbean.

If you plan on going to Europe, they recommend buying your tickets 99 days out. For a trip to  Asia, 90 days. and 199 days for The Middle East.

I'm all about saving money but I feel like planning that far ahead takes away a lot of the spontaneity of vacation.

plane at Fort Lauderdale airport
Joe Raedle/Getty Images

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