7-Eleven Selling Cup With Free Refills for One Year
Do you have an unstoppable, unquenchable thirst and live near a 7-Eleven? Then this could be Christmas come early for you.
7-Eleven, according to a press release, is offering three limited edition cups, that come in the three types of beverages 7-Eleven is most known for, their coffee, The Big Gulp, and Slurpee. Each one of the cups is made by the brand Tervis, so they are all well constructed and washable.
With the purchase of each one of these cups, comes unlimited refills starting on January 1, 2020 through December 31, 2020. The cost of the cup and the unlimited refills is $129.
Think that you travel all over the US and that you can score free beverages at all your 7-Eleven stops? Well, not so fast. Here is a little of the fine print:
The cups are not interchangeable and only come with free refills for the 7‑Eleven beverage indicated on the cup.** At checkout, 7‑Eleven employees will scan the unique code printed on the cup, which will ring up the beverage as free.
So are you really getting a good deal? If you visit the same location often, yes you are.