242-Year-Old Treasure May be Hiding in Fishkill
Someone call Nicholas Cage because we have a treasure that may be hiding right here in the Hudson Valley.
April is the birth month of New York State. In 1777 the state's first constitution was drafted on April 20. To celebrate this anniversary, the New York State Library is displaying a handwritten draft of the constitution that is believed to be written by John Jay himself. According to the Legislative Gazette, the document on display is an early draft full of corrections and cross-outs by Jay. So what happened to the original New York Constitution?
It turns out the final hand-written version was sent to Samuel Loudon, a printer in Fishkill. Titled "The Constitution of the State of New York," the document was copied by the company and distributed across the state. For some reason, the original hand-written version disappeared.
It's unclear where the important one-of-a-kind document wound up. While many believe that it was destroyed after the copies were made, it is possible that Loudon or someone who worked with him decided to keep it as a souvenir. If that's true, the constitution could be hiding somewhere in the Hudson Valley. What if it's actually been right under our noses for the past 242 years? If watching all three National Treasure movies has taught me anything, it's that we better start ripping apart old paintings and bursting through the walls of old houses in the Hudson Valley now or we'll never find it.
In the meantime, you can view the early hand-written draft now through Saturday, April 20 from 9:30am to 4:30pm at the State Cultural Education Center in Albany.
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