Ulster County Food Pantry Making Sure No Kids Go Hungry this Summer
Aaah, summer. Lazy days, parties, festivals, barbecues. It’s a great time of the year. But not for everybody. Did you know that there are kids that don’t get to eat properly during the summer? Kids who depend on going to school just to know they’ll be getting a nutritious meal? It’s sad, but it’s true.
People’s Place Food Pantry on Saint James Place in Kingston not only knows this, they are doing all they can to put an end to summer hunger. It’s called the Bag Summer Hunger Program. People’s Place is offering breakfast and lunch food items to take home and prepare. Parents and guardians of school age children are eligible to receive breakfast and lunch food items once a week. Options include a variety of the following: cereal, instant oatmeal, pancake mix and syrup, peanut butter, jelly, meats, cheese, pasta, bread, fresh or canned fruit, fresh vegetables, snacks, juice and a milk card.
You must bring the child’s proof of Ulster County residency in order to register for the program. People’s Place is located at 17 St. James Street in Kingston and bags can be picked up Monday - Friday from 10AM - 1PM and Wednesday evenings from 5PM - 7PM.
For more information about the Bag Summer Hunger program, to find out more about People’s Place and their mission, or to find out how to make a donation, visit the People’s Place website.