Town Of Lloyd has Planned Drive Thru Trick or Treating
The countdown to Halloween has officially begun and we are truly down to the wire. This Saturday lots of Hudson Valley ghosts and goblins will be all over collecting their sugary loot. Many communities have planned safe afternoon and evening activities for the kids to enjoy.
Trick or Treating has become a big worry this year. Most annual celebrations have had to altered their plans to accommodate the new COVID restrictions. Many communities have had to cancel events. Some however have been able to make changes to how they will handle their celebrations which means they are having them but they will be different.
Earlier this month we told you how Woodstock and New Paltz changed their traditional town wide Halloween events into socially distant Halloween fun. Now it seems the Town of Lloyd has been able to organize an event for their community.
Cops and Candy Firefighters and Frights is the Town of Lloyd's Drive Thru Trick or Treating event happening this Saturday from 5 PM tp 8 PM at the Lloyd Police / Highland Fire Headquarters. It will allow for safe trick or treating for the children who live in the Town of Lloyd.
Chances are your community has made a COVID safe Halloween trick or treating plan so if you haven't heard of one yet you should contact your town hall to see what might be happening close to your home. It is important this Halloween that you keep in mind that trick or treaters going door to door is not a great idea.
If you do plan to host trick or treating the New York State Department of Health has issues some guideline that are pretty easy to follow to ensure everyone has a happy and safe Halloween.
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