Even with all of the hands-free technology that newer cars come equipped with, it's unfortunately still too easy for drivers to get distracted with their smart phones.
In the age where texting trumps real conversation it seems like even emojis are replacing actual words. The conversation is getting shorter with these little faces and pictures. What's New York's most used emoji?
How often do you use emojis? Apparently, we all use them enough to elicit this brilliant research. They've got to be popular. They even got their own terrible movie.
Just how often do you look at your phone? These are the top distractions that could get someone seriously hurt or worse.
If you own a smart phone it's safe to say you can be a mindless zombie when looking at it. Since we've been able to stream unlimited information from our tiny devices we can get pre-occupied with them. Just how often are you distracted by your phone and what exactly are you doing?
A new law would allow the authorities to check the phone activity of a user after an accident to determine if distracted driving played a role in the incident.