NYS DEC Arbor Day Poster Contest Entry Deadline is DEC 31
We may not be celebrating Arbor Day until 2021, the last Friday in April to be exact, but there is an Arbor Day deadline this Thursday, Dec 31st that artists don't want to miss. The New York State Department of the Environmental Conservation (NYS DEC) is holding a Arbor Day Original Artwork poster contest and the deadline is the last day of 2020.
Everyone is welcome to submit original photos or artwork that celebrates trees. The Hudson Valley is home to a large variety of trees. They bring us beautiful spring blossoms, shade on hot summer days and colorful fall afternoons. In the information posted on the NYS DEC website (dec.ny.gov) regarding this contest (DEC) Commissioner Basil Seggos is quoted as saying "Trees are a renewable resource that provide food, shelter, scenic beauty, and countless other benefits that enhance our quality of life, I encourage all New Yorkers to join DEC's Arbor Day celebration by submitting art or photos that depict the beauty and importance of New York's trees."
The Annual Original Artwork Arbor Day Poster Contest has many sponsors including the New York State Arbor Day Committee and New York State Arborist Association. The winning artist's work will be replicated as the New York State Original Artwork Arbor Day poster for 2021. For details on how to submit and what is required click here.
If you are interested in obtaining New York State Arbor Day posters from the past you can contact your local NYS DEC office or any local DEC forestry office. You can also call 518-402-9428.
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