Now that It’s Legal in New York, 5 Tips for New Pot Users
I never thought I’d see it in my lifetime, but cannabis is now legal in New York State. In many states, as a matter of fact. I grew up in the 1970s, and I must admit I’ve had a long time relationship with cannabis. Most of the many years that I’ve smoked pot I could smoke just about anything and be fine. But 7 or 8 years ago I noticed that I was sometimes getting anxiety when I got high, and sometimes my head felt buzzy. I almost quit altogether.
Instead of quitting something I always enjoyed, I talked to somebody that I knew was an expert on growing pot and the different strains of pot available. He suspected that if I switched to an indica strain or an indica heavy hybrid strain, rather than a sativa, that I might do better with anxiety. He was totally right. And the buzzy head went away, too. I was pretty happy that I didn’t have to stop smoking pot and I was also a lot more relaxed.
Now that pot is legal in New York and we will soon be able to walk into a dispensary that has several choices and forms of cannabis, there are a few things that new pot users should think about before they make a purchase. You may feel like a kid in a candy store when you walk in there, so take advantage of the experts who work there. Here are a few tips from an old timer.
Now that It’s Legal in New York, 5 Things New Pot Users Should Know
So, if you’re new to the cannabis scene, remember these tips for a better experience. It may take a little trial and error to find a strain that’s right for you, but once you do, you may find that cannabis is a great way to relax and have a little fun. Good luck!