10 Best Restaurants for Mexican Cuisine in Westchester, NY
I love Mexican food! Not only is it some of the most delicious food out there, I often find it to be the freshest food around. Sometimes; however, it is difficult to find authentic cuisine.
Yes, we all love our Chipotle's, Moe's, and Salsa Fresca's (Salsa Fresca is the best, just saying), but that's not really authentic Mexican food. It's essentially Subway for burritos, and I'm not saying that is a bad thing! These chains serve their purpose, are very delicious, and I may or may not have dumped thousands of dollars at them, especially when in college.
And then there is Taco Bell. We have all been there at 1 o'clock in the morning after a long night of partying only to show up to the Taco Bell drive-thru and buy them out of everything. That can't be just my friends and I, right? Of course not! To be honest, I had Taco Bell the most from the Poughkeepsie Galleria. I used to have a rule to never have Taco Bell on a date. For starters, it can be messy, depending on what you order. Secondly, you don't want your stomach embarrassing you in front of your date. You don't need to waste 30 minutes in the bathroom just because you had a craving for a Doritos Locos Taco.

No, when I'm talking about Mexican food, I'm talking about the mom-and-pop local restaurants that provide the real deal for costumers. Westchester County, in particular, seems to have an abundance of superb Mexican restaurants. Below, we have the Top 10 best restaurants for Mexican food in Westchester according to Tripadvisor reviews. What do you think of the list? Let us know on the app or write a comment on social media.