Metro North To Raise Prices In March
Metro North has announced a toll hike for 2017, but at least there is a bit of a bright side. While we'll see increases on weekly and monthly fares, there's a hold on the single ride fare for the next two years. So next time you use the subway to get to a show in the city, it'll still cost the same as last time you went.
The MTA Board approved the rate change Wednesday, with the new rules set to take effect in March. Train tickets for service east of the Hudson will rise 4% while west of the Hudson service will increase 2%. The 7 Day Unlimited Ride MetroCard will see a $1 increase to $32 and the 30 Unlimited Ride MetroCard will increase from $116.50 to $121. Single ride tickets remain $3.
MTA Chairmain and CEO Thomas Prendergast had this to say about the rate change.
“The MTA is focused on keeping our fares affordable for low-income riders and frequent riders, and on how we can keep necessary scheduled increases as small and as predictable as possible. Keeping fares and tolls down was possible because of the continued operational efficiencies and ways we have reduced costs while adding service and capacity along our busiest corridors, most recently with the opening of the new Second Avenue subway.”