How to Legally Get Rid of Old Motor Oil in New York State
Do you often work on your car or do an oil change for your vehicle at home? What do you do with the oil? What do you think that you can do legally with the used oil?
Can you recycle it? Can you just toss it in the trash? Is there some place you can take it? Or maybe you can just let it leak on to the grass? Seriously, what can you legally do with that used motor oil in New York State?
Are you a household, do-it-yourself-er oil change person?
If you are the type of person who has the skill to be able to do these oil changes yourself, that is awesome. Hats off to you. You go to the store, you get the oil (and filter) that you need and then you drain the used oil, replace the filter, put the plugs in and top if off with new oil, right?
What can you do with the old or used oil? Is there anything that can be done with it?
If you can come up with a product that can re-use old motor oil, that hasn't already been created, then you should patent and market that, immediately!
Can you just dump the used oil or throw it in the trash? Is that legal in New York State?
No, that is not legal. Depending on how much oil you have to get rid of, there are places you can take it in New York, up to 5-gallons at a time. Make sure to keep your oil in sealed plastic containers and do not mix it with any other items.
Where are the places to take your oil to properly get rid of it?
Where can you take your used oil, and get rid of it, for no charge? You can take it to any place that sells motor oil to have it recycled. If the company uses more than 500 gallons of oil themselves, they have to take your oil at no charge, up to that 5-gallon amount.
If the retail business that you are trying to take your oil back to says that their tanks are full, they can temporarily refuse to take your used oil, but they will need to accept it when their tanks are empty again.
If the business for some reason can't take your oil, because they can't accept your oil, they are required by law to inform you of the next closest location that can take your oil.