Justin Bieber Suits Up With Hudson Valley Hockey Team
He might be one of the biggest stars in the world, but Saturday he hit the ice with the West Point hockey team.
TMZ reports the Biebs suited up for a pick up game among cadets. He wore the #6 jersey worn by point forward Nick DeCenzo. According to the TMZ article, Beiber has had a standing offer to come play for a while and he took them up on it.
Army Black Knights hockey is a division one program and they're a member of Atlantic Hockey. According to their website, they've been putting a team on the ice since 1903. Bieber on the other hand has been dropping over rated pop music on us since 2009.
It's just that Bieber is one of those superstars people love to hate. To be honest, he's given us some pretty good reasons over the years to write him off. But hopefully he gets his stuff together and doesn't end up in a gutter somewhere someday.
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