HELP: These Hudson Valley Baby Goats Need a Name
Is there anything more delightful than cuddling with baby goats? Probably not.
We have a ton of farms in and around the Hudson Valley and Greater Danbury area, but not all of them give you the opportunity to interact with the animals. Cloverbrooke Farm in Hyde Park is known for its interactive farm experience.
You've heard us talk about Cloverbrooke before. Back in February, they teamed up with Match.com for a unique date night experience that involved a llama kissing booth and they offer llama guided tours.
Earlier this week Cloverbrooke Farm announced the addition of 2 new adorable family members. On Instagram, they shared that they welcomed 2 baby Pygora goats. Just look how cute they are!
As you can see from the post above, Cloverbrooke is looking to name these adorable little ladies and they need your help.
If you have a name idea for these cuties, head on over to the Cloverbrook Farm Hyde Park Instagram account and leave a comment with your idea, and tag 3 friends. Once you do, you'll be in the running to win a 30-minute cuddle session with the baby goats.
Are you looking for a little bit of help on the name idea? Let us help you.
How cute would it be if they named the goats CJ and Jess?! Yes, we know they're two female goats, but there are plenty of ladies that go by CJ.
CJ & Jess The Goats. It has a nice ring to it, plus they're way better looking than the human versions.
You have until Thursday, May 6th to get your name nominations in!
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