Have You Ever Hit The Neighbor Jackpot?
We moved into our new house in Wappingers Falls last fall after moving back to the Hudson Valley in Spring 2018 and staying with family while house-hunting.
When we bought our house in Massachusetts years ago we were first time homeowners and I 100% most definitely had the wrong idea of what to expect when you move into a new neighborhood. I must have watched a little too much 'Desperate Housewives' during my earlier years, because I was totally expecting muffins to be dropped off on the front steps with a note, block parties, kids running around playing together, and all sorts of good times with the neighborhood - spoiler alert, it never happened. We had dear friends who lived around the corner (who I actually knew from the Hudson Valley, go figure, we ended up living in the same town, same neighborhood, 100+ miles away) but other than that nobody spoke to one another.
Well, back to NY we went, and everything I dreamed of in the neighborhood has been reality.
- block party - check, there was one within the first 2 weeks once we moved in.
- kids outside playing - every.single.day! I can't get my daughter out of the car and into the house when the weather is nice, there's kids everywhere cheering for her to come and play.
- good times with the neighbors - regular occurrence. Everyone hangs out, socializes, and are always looking out for one another!
- the muffin/note on the front steps never happened, but I think that's just a tv/movie thing anyway. Get this though, there was a neighborhood Easter egg hunt organized by one neighbor, and on Easter my daughter was totally spoiled by some awesome neighbors with generous gifts. EDITED: Came home from soccer practice on Saturday to find fresh baked muffins on the front steps:
We totally lucked out in the neighbor lottery, we live alongside some of the most generous, friendly and awesome people, and bonus, even their dogs are WRRV fans!
The Hudson Valley has more than delivered, and it's so good to be home :)