Delicious IPA Brewed in NY Ruined by Angry Political Fighting
New Yorkers can't agree about anything, even if it's a delicious, locally brewed beer.
A beer created entirely of ingredients grown in New York State is getting caught in the middle of a heated war of words between people who could probably use a drink or two. It turns out that anything can be a political lightning rod these days, even an IPA that's been brewed to honor New York's beer renaissance.
Swiftwater Brewing near Rochester wanted to brew a beer to pay tribute to the Farm Brewing Law passed in 2012. The law has had an enormous economic impact on local farmers and businesses throughout New York State, creating jobs and helping struggling farmers find a new, lucrative source of income.
To show their appreciation for this new legislation, Swiftwater created The Governor's IPA. The special brew is made from hops and grains grown in New York. Clocking in at 6.6 abv, this IPA is described as having notes of pine oil, apricot, grass, and pineapple jam.
Because of its name, however, many people have vowed to not even try it. In a world where everyone whines about anything remotely political, it should come as no surprise that a beer called The Governor would become a lightning rod for sensitive Facebook crybabies.
The governor's senior advisor recently tweeted out a photo of Cuomo enjoying his namesake brew, which only seemed to escalate the outrage.
The backlash around the beer, which honors a law that has benefited both sides of New York's political aisle, has caused the brewers to release a statement explaining the reasoning behind the IPA's creation.
We brewed this beer to honor the spirit of the farm brewery bill, highlight the economic impact on local brewers and farmers, and show some appreciation for the support our state government has given us. This beer was not meant to be a political statement. We hope that our friends from every side of the political spectrum can raise a glass to the growth of craft beer.
It's clear that this small, farm brewery thought that they were doing something good by honoring this law, but unfortunately didn't realize just how polarizing Governor Cuomo can be.
Hopefully, this locally run brewery won't suffer too badly over backlash from people who can't seem to separate ugly politics from good policies. Honestly, you can call your beer Trump, Clinton, Cuomo or Guliani... if it's brewed in New York and benefiting New Yorkers, I'm all for raising a glass. Cheers!
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