2018 Hudson Valley Fall Foliage Predictions
The best time to live in or visit the Hudson Valley is the fall. Peak foliage season is almost upon us and here's what you can expect this year.
The ideal time to view foliage in the Hudson Valley will be the second and third weeks of October. For the Adirondack Mountain and Catskill regions, your best bet is the last two weeks of September into the first week of October. For the lower Hudson Valley including Westchester County, the last two weeks of October is when you should be on the lookout for the yellows, reds, and oranges. For information on the rest of New York state, you can link up with NYFallFoliage.com.
According to the College of Environmental Science and Forestry, temperature, light and water supply all have an effect on the duration of peak foliage. Lower temperatures can help produce more reds while rainy overcast days can help increase the intensity of fall colors.
Each fall leaves stop the process in which they make food. The chlorophyll breaks down and they lose their green color. Despite what Billy Madison has to say, the process can be pretty exciting.
What's your favorite Hudson Valley spot to view fall foliage?
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