If you like venison you are going to love this.

It looks like in celebration of deer hunting season opening up across the country, the folks over at the fast food chain Arby's have decided to add a venison sandwich to their menus by the end of November.

According to Time, the new sandwich will have a thick cut venison steak that has been marinated in garlic, salt and pepper and cooked for 3 hours.

It will be topped with crispy onions and a juniper berry sauce and then put on a toasted specialty roll.

The new sandwiches as of now will not be available in New York but will be available in 6 states including, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Tennessee and Georgia.

Arby's told Time that they selected these areas because the states are near heavy deer hunting areas.

Wait, WE HUNT IN NEW YORK! C'mon Arby's!!!

I would love to try this bad boy at least once, so if you want to take a road trip to middle Pennsylvania, count me in and yes I have gas money.

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