One of our neighboring states is considering a law that would make texting while walking illegal. But what about here in the Hudson Valley?

ABC News reports that New Jersey Assemblywoman, Pamela Lampitt, has introduced a bill that would ban walking while texting. The proposed law would also make it illegal for pedestrians to be on public roadways while using electronic communication devices unless they were using them with a hands-free device.

While we can all agree that people who text and walk in public are among the most hated people in society, do we really need another law like this. The New Jersey bill proposes fines of up to $50, 15 days in jail or both. In Hawaii a similar bill would fine people $250.

Back in 2012, New York lawmakers unsuccessfully tried to pass similar legislation, banning residents from walking in public while texting. While that bill didn't pass, it's not too far-fetched to believe that another push for legislation is on the way. New York is notorious for passing these quality-of-life laws. Currently there is a bill being proposed that would outlaw idling your car for more than 3 minutes.

So what do you think? Is texting while walking such a problem in the Hudson Valley that you'd like to see a law passed that would make the practice illegal?  Let us know your thoughts in the comments section below or on our Facebook page.

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