New York Makes Top 3 in New Study of Best States to Live In
When it comes to living in the Hudson Valley, we’re pretty lucky. We’re surrounded by mountains, we have one of the most majestic rivers in the country, a great music and art scene, and some of the most important and interesting history in the country. We're less than two hours away from New York City, and pretty close to Albany. In fact, our whole state is a pretty great place. And now we have the proof to back up that statement.
In a recent study conducted by, New York is the third best state to live in. In the whole country, out of all 50 states. And the two states that beat us are actually just over our borders. Neighbor New Jersey came in at number one and Massachusetts is number two.
The study compared the 50 states based on 52 key indicators of livability ranging from housing costs and income growth to hospitals and education. And even though we complain about the high cost of living and the taxes, New York State still made it to number three. That gives us bragging rights in my opinion.
Sure, the winters can be cold and snowy and the summers can be hot and sticky, but spring and fall are practically perfect. And it’s nice having four seasons. I know a lot of people that have moved away from the Hudson Valley, and they miss it sorely. I’m glad I chose to stay close to home. I don’t know about you, but I love New York.