Looking for a new business opportunity? Trolling around for things on Craigslist.com, I found this, a laundromat for sale in Orange County.

Do you like the scent of clean laundry? Does the responsibility of never running out of quarters (yes, I know that most laundromats have debit and credit as payment options now) seem appealing? As a bonus, you would not have an excuse for not having time to get your personal laundry done as you will have unfettered access to 17 washers, 18 small clothes dryers, six large dryers, an ATM, plus drink and food vending machines.


According to the listing, the business has been in operation at this location for the last 50 years, nine years under this current owner, who is looking to retire. Does this sound like something for you, or do you think that you will pass?

Do you also find yourself skimming Craigslist for items while you are supposed to be doing something else, like working on a radio show?



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