Village In New York State Named One of America’s Moose Capitals
Moose are New York state's largest land mammal, and they are known to stay active year-round. The New York Department of Environment Conservation estimates that there are roughly 600 to 700 moose in the Adirondacks, though they can occasionally roam south into other areas like the Hudson Valley, and even Long Island.
Wildlife experts say that moose spend their winters "foraging for food and moving around their habitats", usually around dawn and dusk when they're most active. But seeing one of these giant animals in person is rare, for they mainly keep to themselves.
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While there aren't too many official "moose counts" anywhere, because tracking the animals can be difficult, one area in New York state was named one of the best places in the country to see one.
Village In New York State Named One of America's Moose Capitals
The Travel recently named Lake Placid as one of the best small towns in the U.S. to see a moose. The popular tourist destination is located in New York State’s Adirondack Mountains, which is an area where moose are most commonly found in the state.
See Also: Goose Native To Siberia Seen in the Wild in New York State For The First Time
Moose are often found near water, so Lake Placid or Saranac Lake may be your best bets to see one. Biologists say that moose usually feed on the leaves, twigs, and buds of hardwood and softwood trees and shrubs. They're also very protective of their calves, according to the DEC.
Sometimes moose like to roam, and sometimes their paths can cross the paths of humans, considering how much people have encroached on their habitat.
Hudson Valley Wildlife Gallery
Gallery Credit: Paty Quyn