Snakes. Why did it have to be snakes? Remember that line in the first Indiana Jones movie? I have a hard time watching that scene. I am not a fan of snakes.

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My wife on the other hand, loves snakes. Every year when the Garter Snakes come slithering out around our pond, she thinks it's funny to give each of them a name. I'm not amused.

While we think mostly of snakes slithering around the ground, obviously, the species isn't just limited to that. Yea, I'm talking about water snakes. I don't want to even think about coming into contact with a water snake while swimming in a lake.

The website, lists the six most snake infested lakes in New York State. I'm guessing that means snakes both in and out of the water around each lake.

You bet I made a note of what they are and where, so I never get near them. Here's what and where these six lakes are in New York State, ranked from #6 to #1.

#6 - Lake George

Lake George
Photo by Gerald Berliner on Unsplash
loading... notes that Lake George is home to four types of snakes , including Garter Snakes, Northern Redbelly Snakes, Black Racer Snakes, and Timber Rattlesnakes. Add to that, leeches and Black Bears, oh my.

#5 - Canopus Lake

Canopus Lake
Google Maps Street View

Canopus Lake is on the other side of the Hudson River, east of Newburg and Beacon, NY. It's a 6 acre man-made lake. This lake is home to Northern Watersnakes and Black Rat Snakes. And notes that there have been some incidents of snake bites in the area.

#4 - Oneida Lake

Oneida Lake
Google Maps

Oneida Lake, one of the 11 Finger Lakes. is just northeast of Syracuse, and mentions the snakes in it's vicinity include Eastern Mississauga Rattlesnakes and Northern Watersnakes.

#3 - Lake Erie

Lake Erie
Photo by Jake Blucker on Unsplash

Lake Erie must be special. It has it's own named snake -  the Lake Erie Watersnake. notes that Lake Erie is home to almost 12,000 of them. Now that's a lot of snakes.

#2 - Lake Champlain

Lake Champlain
Photo by Chris Jones on Unsplash

Lake Champlain, located in the upper northeast part of the state (and part of Vermont as well) has Common Watersnakes and Rattlesnakes. mentions that there are a couple of rattlesnake dens nearby, but their location is secret so they won't be disturbed by humans. That means stay away. You don't have to tell me twice.

#1 - Echo Lake

Echo Lake
Google Maps

Echo Lake is only 13 acres, nestled in the Catskill Mountains, north of Woodstock, NY. It's a great place for hiking and fishing, and it's also home to Water Snakes, which according to, are "feeding on the fish in abundance." The area is also home to Timber Rattlesnakes as well.

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