Iconic Woodstock Shop Adding Interactive Workshop Space
Have you ever spent the day in Woodstock?
It’s one of the coolest towns in the Hudson Valley, and a day may not be long enough to explore all that Woodstock has to offer. The streets are lined with small shops and restaurants, there are cool places to walk, including small streets filled with natural beauty. Trees, streams, and some very historic old houses. Not to mention the musical history and the awesome residents who really appreciate their little town.
And now, there is another activity you can add to the list of fun things to do when you’re in Woodstock. Candlemaking. That’s right, candlemaking. One of Woodstock’s most iconic and well-loved shops, Candlestock, is adding a workshop so that we can actually make some of those candles that we’ve been loving for years. Not only will it be fun, but you also get to go home with something beautiful that you created yourself.
I remember going to Woodstock when I first got my driver’s license, which was a very long time ago. One of the stores that I visited was Candlestock. And every time I went back, I made sure I visited Candlestock. Even the last time that I was there, which was only a few months ago, I went to Candlestock. It truly is one of Woodstock's most iconic shops.
According to Candlestock’s Facebook page, they are still putting the finishing touches on the new workshop, so it’s not clear when exactly they will open, but it looks like it’s going to be fairly soon. Candlestock is also looking for your ideas and input about what you would like to see in the new workshop. That’s what I call customer service, and that’s what keeps a business going for 50 years.
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