A local college has been selected by the website, Best College Values, as one of the top 50 Most Beautiful Colleges in Winter. The school selected #17 on the list is Bard College, Annandale-On-Hudson. Some of the criteria that was used to select Bard and the other colleges on the list include:

  • Snowfall rates
  • Average winter temperatures
  • On-campus winter activities

According to the website, BestCollegeValues.com, this is what they had to say about Bard:

Bard College has over 500 acres of land including lawns, wooded areas and is situated very close to the Hudson River. Given its proximity to some of the most beautiful parts of New York including Hudson Valley and Annandale-on-Hudson, this Bard College becomes winter’s most beautiful place on the east coast in the winter months. ... The campus buildings are mostly Gothic and postmodern in style.

When the snow comes, these buildings glow with winter charisma. The lawns become frosty in the mornings, and under the winter light, they are most beautiful to look at.


Here's look at Bard without snow:

Bard wasn't the only school to make Best College Values' listicle: Vassar College in Poughkeepsie came in at #21.


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