Here’s Why People in the HV are Wearing Orange This Week
If you've noticed more people wearing the color orange this week it's not a coincidence.
The Go Orange campaign is currently going on throughout the Hudson Valley area with workers getting all decked out in shades of orange to raise awareness. This week is national work zone awareness week, where motorists are reminded to use extra caution in areas where crews are repairing roads.
Spring is when many road projects start back up, and the Hudson Valley DOT is using work zone awareness week to let local drivers know how dangerous their job can be, especially when cars ignore posted speed restrictions.
The Hudson Valley Department of Transportation tweeted a photo of their staff wearing orange in a show of solidarity for their road workers. They explained the color was being worn "in recognition of Work Zone Safety Week." The staff members that were not working in the field were wearing orange to "recognize those who are."
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