Forest Rangers Assist Hikers Across Neversink River
The Hudson Valley is filled with adventure and trails that lead to beautiful views.
Sometimes those adventures, if you're not properly prepared, can be dangerous. Case in point, last week in Sullivan County.
According to a press release from the Department of Environmental Conservation, a few hikers needed some assistance across the Neversink River.
On Thursday May 30th a group of six hikers set out on the Neversink Gorge Trail. Two of the hikers, ages 22 and 23, decided to swim across the river. Once the two made it over "they determined they couldn't make it back."
The four other hikers went to find help while the two stranded hikers, from New Hartford, looked for an alternative route across. Forest Rangers Matthew Hettenbaugh, Richard Franke, and Robert Stratton arrived on the scene when "Forest Ranger Hettenbaugh traveled up stream about quarter of a mile where he located the stranded hikers."
Bother hikers were able to make it back across and safely to the trailhead.